Today I thought I would share with you my Christmas Book haul! This year I got a total of 13 books which is crazy and I’m so thankful for them 🙂

  1. The Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu

Christmas 2

I have heard a lot about this trilogy and am so eager to start it soon!

I believe they are dystopian novels that follow Day and June the two main characters and how they are ‘irresistibly draw together’.



2. The Bone Season and The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon

“Fabulous, epic fantasy thriller” The Times

This duo has always intrigued me since they came out, many people have read these and have said how good they are! I think they are also dystopian novels and they follow the main character, a drchristmas 1eam walker, someone who can break into people’s thoughts and her adventures.

3. A Thousand Pieces of You and Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Grey 

Can we just take a second to admire the covers? They look so pretty! These two books are additionally dystopian, I believe this to be my strongest and favourite genre. From the cover you can see two alternate dimensions and the blurb on the back tells me that a device has been created that allows travel into other dimensions. I shall definitely be picking these up as soon!


4. The Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi

Christmas 3Guess what! Its based in a dystopian world! The cover art for these books are simple yet beautifully elegant. I really wanted to read these books as the reviews for them are amazing and the storyline of someone’s touch being fatal and how it is used as a weapon and then the retaliation to this, intrigues me!


5. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy NelsonChristmas 5

Finally! A standalone!

A lot of reviews tell me how touching this contemporary is and so I am so happy that I have received this novel as a break from larger books as this is only 300 odd pages! This book is about a girl who has recently lost her sister and how she copes with this but also follows the story of her and her first love.


6. Life and Death/ Twilight special tenth anniversary edition by Stephanie Meyer

Christmas 4

When the Twilight books first came out I read them and loved them and then the films came out and I loved them even more, as I’ve grown older I have slowly forgotten that fantasy style of writing. Until recently. I am slowly working my way through TMI series and have stepped back in time to loving this genre. I have heard a lot of controversial views on this book but still look forward to reading it despite them. This edition is split into two halves, a half where twilight is reimagined with a gender swap as such or something like that. Yet the other half is additional chapters from the author that link to the original twilight book!

Finally, you’ve reached the end of this post! I’m sorry that its long, they wont all be like this, I don’t want to put you guys off! Comment what books you received for Christmas!

I go back to school tomorrow so will post next Saturday 🙂

Chloe x